
Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2017

♥ Craftin Desert Divas - Planner Layout KW 42 with Digital Stamps ♥

Hi everybody, 
I wish you a happy Tuesday and I'm really happy to see you here again on my blog.

 For my Craftin Desert Divas Design Team today post I'm showing you my planner layout for the current week.  Did you know that Craftin Desert Divas has also digital stamps for planners? They're really fantastic for decorating your own planner layouts.
For my week, I've used some of the Planner Bundle Digital Stamps. I've printed these planner digis on sticker paper and cut them out. Here you can see my week how it looks like, before I fill in my dates and deadlines.
 I've also use some digi stamps from the Fall Hall Set, the Squirrel from the Fall Treasure, the cute little Fox from the Timber Stamp Set and the tree and the grass from the Outdoor Landscape 2 Dies.
 I've printed out all images and color them with my Spectrum Noir Markers. After that I cut them out and decorate my pages.
I've also use some Washi Tape from my stash for decorating the edges of my planner layout. Now it's time for filling the sites with my deadlines and dates.

So I'll hope you like my planner layout a little bit. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you here again soon on my blog.

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